Lentistem Biotech is a R&D company with significant expertise in therapeutic lentiviral vectors and cell engineering forn immunotherapy and gene therapy strategies, with special focus on CAR-T cells therapies.
The company has two proprietary technology platforms for controlling the transgene expression: TCR-like, a synthetic system designed to express the CAR (the transgene) mimicking the physiological behavior of the T-cell receptor interaction, witch improve the fitness of CAR-T cells and prevents overstimulation; and Lent-On-Plus, a fine-tuned exogenously controlled and first-in-class synthetic gene expression system favored for clinics, which among other applications, can be implemented for safer and efficient next generation of CAR-T cells against hematological and solid tumors.
Our MISSION is to develop new technologies to improve the efficacy and safety of cancer immunotherapy (CAR-T cells). LentiStem endeavors to develop best-in-class therapeutical vectors for precision gene therapy, for safer and more efficient therapies to cure hard-to-treat diseases such as refractory cancers. Artículo patrocinado Encuentre algo para todos en nuestra colección de calcetines coloridos, brillantes y elegantes. ¡Compre individualmente o en paquetes para agregar color a su cajón!
LentiStem is founded in 2016 on the patented technologies for the contol of expression in engineered cells developed by Prof. Francisco Martin and his team, and spun-out from the Fundación Progreso y Salud. Since 2019, the company has been growing, stablishing the state-of-art of the platforms and advancing in the development of therapeutical product candidates. We have facilities for molecular analysis, cell biology, small animal research and cell-culture facilities with P2-level safety standards to produce the highest grade viral vectors. Besides, our team is working in collaboration with several hospitals, academic labs and government agencies in Spain to create cost-effective and precise advanced gene-based therapies.
The company has exclusive license to multiple technologies, which are currently being used in 18 labs worldwide and cited in more than 70 peer-reviewed scientific publications.


Miguel García Toscano (PhD, MBA)
Amarna Therapeutics
Expert in Gene Therapy, Biotecnology and International Business

Verónica Ayllon Cases (PhD)
University of Granada
Expert in Blood Tumors

Juan Antonio Marchal (Full Professor)
University of Granada, REGEMAT
Expert in Solid Tumors, Biotechnology and R&D Companies

Houria Boulaiz (Full Professor)
University of Granada
Expert in Lentiviral Vectors and Gene Therapy

Vaibah Bhatia (PhD)
Lamark Therapeutics
Expert in Biotechnology and International Business

Juan José Diaz Mochón (PhD)
University of Granada, DestiNA Genomics
Expert in Nanotechnology and International Business

Pablo Galindo (Full Professor)
University of Granada
Expert in Cell Therapy and Medicine
FITHER18 Proyect: Regulatable 4th generation CAR-T cells for the treatment of HER2+ solid tumors
Financed by: Actuación Conjunta ISCIII-CDTI: Innovaciones en Medicina Personalizada y Terapias Avanzadas 2022
Consortium: FIBAO, CIEMAT, LentiStem Biotec, IdisNA.
Start date: January 1st 2023
Finish date: December 31th 2024

CARPanTu Proyect: «Targeting the tumor microenviroment to improve CAR-T cell-based immunotherapy in pancreatic cancer».
Consortium: University of Granada, FIBAO, FPS, LentiStem Biotech, CIMA
Reference: PLEC2021-008094/MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and for European Union NextGenerationEU/ PRTR
Start date: November 1st, 2021
Finish date: October 31th, 2024
Financed by: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Granted: 49.574€

NEOTEC Proyect: «Vectores lentivirales multiregulables para inmunoterpia del génica del cáncer»
Reference: EXP 00123009 / SNEO-20191072
Start date: January 1st, 2020
Finish date: June 30th, 2022
Financed by: CDTI
Granted: 203.400€